Investments, Divorce, and You

You are accustomed to a level of comfort in your lifestyle. There is no reason why you should suffer in poverty after you divorce your husband.

As a successful woman, you likely have money invested in stocks and other securities; you may be worried about those investments, now that you are beginning the process of a San Francisco divorce. Stocks are some of the most difficult and time-consuming assets to divide, particularly stock options and restricted stock. Here, an attorney explains the two.

Stock Options

Stock options give the employee the right to purchase company stock at a set price at a future date. The reason for this is so that workers can buy this stock at a lower rate than its price is expected to be in the future; selling the discounted stock should yield a good profit. If the stock was purchased by your spouse while you were married, you likely have community property rights to it.

Restricted Stocks

Restricted stock refers to company shares that are granted at no cost to employees, but are not transferred until certain conditions are met. For example, you may have to work for the company for a set period of time before you are able to access the funds. If these stocks were obtained by your spouse while you were married, you may be able to claim them in your divorce.

Navigating through a San Francisco divorce is difficult for just about anyone, but particularly women in high-asset marriages. You want to protect what you have while making sure you receive your fair share, as well. Hiring an experienced attorney who specializes in helping women with divorce is your best option.

The Law Offices of Paul H. Nathan want to help you with your case. Contact us today to speak with attorney about your situation.

If you know someone who is going through a divorce, we encourage you to share this information with her.

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