A New Jersey Lottery Winner was ordered to pay $30,000 in back child support after winning a $338 million Powerball jackpot.
California’s non-custodial parents owe more than $19 billion dollars in back child support. Many of these parents simply can’t afford to pay, but what happens when circumstances change?
New Jersey Powerball winner Pedro Quezada found out. Quezada is the winner of a $338 million Powerball jackpot. Before he could claim his prize, the New Jersey lottery checked his name for outstanding taxes, liens, and child support payments. They found that Quezada owed more than$30,000 in back child support for three of his five children.
The warrant for Quezada was originally issued by the Passaic County Sheriff's Office in 2009. The payment was taken from Quezada’s after-tax winnings of about $152 million and was given to the mother of the children. This payment clears Quezada's record. Quezada now wants custody of the children. Quezada told the judge that the children will now live with him.
Forty-four-year-old Quezada is an immigrant from the Dominican Republic. He has remarried, has a total of five children ages 5 to 23, and has one grandchild. He is the retired owner of a bodega convenience store that is currently managed by his oldest son. He bought his lottery ticket at a liquor store.
Many custodial parents who are owed child support never get paid. If your ex-spouse is behind on child support payments in California, contact the Department of Child support Services in your county. Not paying child support is a serious offense. Your ex-spouse risks having his wages garnished, his tax refund seized, and his bank accounts frozen. He also risks suspension of his license and passport.
You may also need to enlist the help of a California child support attorney. If so, please contact The Law Offices of Paul H. Nathan at 415-341-1144.