You have made the decision to part ways from your spouse. While you are confident that this is the best thing for both of your household, the child you both share continues to have needs that both parents are obligated to meet. You may seek sole custody even if you still require monetary support from the other parent to help cover additional costs you must face as a single parent.
How are California Child Support Amounts Determined
In California, child support amounts are determined based on a specific guideline put in place under state law. There are a number of benefits to the judge using the guideline to calculate payment amounts. First, the guideline keeps payment levels uniform across child support cases throughout California.
Second, it provides the judge with an accurate and realistic idea of what it costs to raise a child as a single parent, and the amount of money you will need.
While the guideline helps maintain uniformity, no two households are created equally. Therefore, the guideline includes five factors to help determine the best payment amount for each individual’s needs on a consistent basis. Here are the five factors that a judge will use to determine how much your ex-spouse will be responsible for paying in child support.
1.Each parent’s gross income
2.Percentage of time each parent spends with the child or children
3. Tax deductions claimed by each parent
4.Payroll deductions for each parent
5.Each parent’s childcare costs
While the guidelines may seem straightforward when it comes to determining a California child support payment, the process of filing for this support can be a challenge. With the help of a San Francisco child support lawyer, you can be sure your paperwork is filed accurately and you are receiving the maximum payment you are entitled to under state laws. Any questions? Connect to the Law Offices of Paul H. Nathan at 866-414-4091 for advice.