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When you met your husband, he was rich and treated you in a way you had never experienced before. From lavish gifts to an expensive home, he was more than willing to share his wealth with you. After you became married, you got used to this type of lifestyle, and so did your children. You put them in costly private schools and enrolled them in a variety of pricey extra-curricular activities.
Now that your husband wants a divorce, you wonder if you’ll be able to continue living the lifestyle you and your kids are accustomed to. You are a stay-at-home mom, and your only source of income is your husband. Will you receive enough alimony to support you, the kids, and the life you have made? Here, a Marin County or San Francisco divorce attorney discusses the matter.
A Variety of Factors Are Considered
- When determining the amount of alimony you will receive, a judge looks at a variety of factors. For instance, the length of your marriage will be taken into account, as well as how much income you and your husband earned during the partnership and what you could make in the future. Additionally, your ages and health are also considered.
Have an Experienced Attorney on Your Side
- To increase your chances of getting the alimony you receive, you’ll need an attorney who focuses on defending women in divorce. The Law Offices of Paul H. Nathan only represent women in divorce because we know you aren’t typically treated the way you should be.
Contact us today to speak with a Marin County or San Francisco divorce attorney about your situation.
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