You've tried to reach some sort of child custody agreement with your ex-partner, but even after mediation, you're both just not on the same page. At this point, you're going to need to go in front of the judge and that judge is going to decide how your custody arrangement is going to work.
When the judge listens to your case, there are certain things she will be looking out for to help her make her decision:
- Whether there's a history of domestic violence in the parents' relationship
- Where's there's a history of any kind of child abuse
- How many children you have and how old they are
- How close the parents will live to each other
- How stable each parent's home seems
- What each parent does for a living and how much each spends at work
- Whether or not the parent was spending sufficient quality time with the child or children prior to the divorce
- Any specific needs the children may have
- The child's preference, if he or she is old enough to voice an opinion
- Whether the parents are willing to work together and communicate appropriately for the good of their children. Also, whether or not either of the parents seems unwilling to allow visitation for a non-custodial parent.
It's important to understand that the judge is not making decisions to hurt one or both of the parents. The decision is based solely on the best interest of the child. The court wants to make sure your children end up in the best situation possible.
Getting the child custody arrangement you want requires convincing the judge of your parenting skills, empathy, and resourcefulness. It's not a task you can undertake alone. Call 415-341-1144 today to connect to an experienced San Francisco family law attorney at the Law Offices of Paul Nathan. Your happiness and the wellbeing of your children are at stake.