Mediating a child custody case gives parents a chance to work out a parenting plan with the guidance of their attorneys and a trained mediator. Mediation allows the parties to compromise and create a plan that works for both of them. Creating a mutually agreeable plan means that the parties are usually invested in it and committed to making it work. This, of course, leads to a more harmonious parenting relationship between the two parties.

So, what tips should you consider before you head to the mediator’s office? Marin County family attorney Paul Nathan offers these suggestions:

  • Focus on your child’s needs. Put aside your own needs and wants. Put aside your differences with the other parent.
  • Focus on the custody component. Do not bring up support payments or property division issues at the same time.
  • Focus on the other parent’s strengths. Bring up the other parent’s shortcomings only if you have valid concerns about the person’s ability to adequately care for your child.
  • Be flexible and objective. Do not try to punish the other parent or ask for outrageous concessions.
  • Prepare ahead of time. Work with your attorney to develop a proposal for custody and time-sharing. Bring any documents you need, such as school calendars or work schedules

Mediation can be the ideal opportunity to come together with your former partner and to reach a compromise that meets your child’s needs. For help with a child custody situation, call Mr. Nathan at 415-341-1144 or fill out our online contact form.

Paul Nathan
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Marin County California Divorce, Child Support and Custody Lawyer Representing Women Exclusively
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