We have compiled a variety of links related to family law that should help you in your search for information. We have only chosen reputable sites, such as ones run by government organizations. We hope they point you in the right direction as you read about divorce, child custody, child support, or spousal support.

General Family Law


  • California Courts – Child Support

    In California, both parents have the obligation to see that their children have sufficient financial support for a healthy and happy childhood. Here, the state Judicial Branch provides information about child support orders during separation and after divorce. Topics examined include calculating child support obligations, modification of judicial orders, the duty to provide medical support, and more.

  • California Courts – Child Custody

    The California Courts provide an introduction to issues of child custody and parenting time (visitation). This discussion includes a valuable section of answers to frequently asked questions.


  • California Courts – Spousal/Partner Support

    Here is information about starting spousal or domestic partner support. This web page includes information about calculating support amounts, the factors the judge takes into consideration, and more.


  • California Courts: The Basics of Divorce

    This website, maintained by the Judicial Branch of the State of California, provides basic information about what you need to know about filing for divorce in the state of California.