Few things in life are as difficult as a divorce, and when these proceedings involve child custody and visitation issues, the experience can be particularly heart wrenching. Even when both parents recognize and acknowledge the importance of shared visitation and custody, it is still difficult to give up any time with one’s own child. In many cases, the parents will need to turn to the courts to set the child custody and visitation terms that apply to their family. The court will often consider the status quo between the parents when it makes this decision.

How the Status Quo Impacts Child Custody and Visitation

The term “status quo” refers to the current arrangement between the parents and children regarding child visitation and custody. The status quo often impacts court decisions relating to these issues. The following is an overview:

  1. Whatever the current status quo is between the parents of the child may remain the status quo during a child custody case. This means that if the parents have agreed upon a visitation schedule for a significant period of time and it seems to be working well, the Unified Family Court in San Francisco or elsewhere may use this schedule as the basis for continued custody arrangements.
  2. In some situations, however, the court will not abide by the status quo. This is true when one parent is dissatisfied by the current visitation arrangement and can demonstrate a good reason why it should be changed.
  3. If you are the parent who is happy with the status quo and the other parent is requesting a modification, you will need to advocate to the court as to why the current arrangement should not be changed.
  4. If you are the parent who is dissatisfied with the status quo visitation arrangement, you must show the court why this arrangement is not in the child’s best interest.
  5. Courts are more likely to change the status quo arrangement in cases where it has been a temporary change from how visitation used to be handled between the parents, or in cases where the arrangement was forced upon the children over the objection of one parent.

Whether you are comfortable with the status quo of your current child custody and visitation arrangement or are seeking a change, it is important to seek guidance from an experienced legal professional. Few things are as important as how much time you will receive with your children. You need a knowledgeable attorney who can advocate on your behalf. We have helped countless parents protect their rights with regard to their children—we encourage you to view our client testimonials page today!